Final Thoughts

As this semester draws to a close, I want to reflect on everything (especially the most important things that I’ve learned this semester). One of the most valuable things that I will take away from this course is the knowledge of how to use the Adobe programs that we have worked with this semester. I know that these are skills that I will be able to put on a resume one day, and since I am considering applying for an internship with a magazine, these will be crucial skills to have. Other important knowledge that I will come away with from this semester is the knowledge of how to analyze and find the meaning of images in the visual culture all around us. I now have a new appreciation for every advertisement and monument that I see, and that is because of this class. Although I may forget some of the theories, I think I will always remember how to pronounce Benjamin’s last name, and his article about the concept of history. Some of his illustrations were so strange in that essay that they will be difficult to forget, to say the least. I have definitely enjoyed learning how to appreciate visual culture in a whole new way.

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